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Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Intonations: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Arts publishes on a rolling basis and is interested in all submissions which address issues relating to any aspect of arts and culture globally. We are especially interested in using our digital platform to publish non-text based and alternative or hybrid forms of scholarship. 

We welcome:

  • Text-based submissions of 5,000 to 8,000 words (bibliography excluded)
  • Alternative forms of scholarship and research creation projects. Audio and video submissions should be no more than 60 minutes in length.

Submissions must:

Submissions accepted for publication should employ the author-date system demonstrated in The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition however, any reference style is acceptable for the initial submission, as long as the author demonstrates consistency throughout.

Please ensure that text-based submissions are double-spaced, use a Times New Roman 12-point font, employ italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses), and are in a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format. The file handle should read: “Title.docx”. If special formatting is an imperative part of your submission please indicate this as part of your abstract. For alternate submissions the file size should not exceed 2 GB and should include a separate bibliography.

Authors will be asked to obtain permissions for the use of copyrighted materials, as well as permissions for other materials where appropriate.

Instructions for Ensuring a Anonymous Review:

To ensure an anonymous review process all identifying information, including the name of the author(s) and institutional affiliations, must be removed from the abstract, the submission, and supplementary material(s). For alternate format submissions this might require the redaction of certain content. Refrain from the use of personal pronouns or self-identifying language when citing works that the author has previously written. Further details are provided in the OJS submission process. 

Intonations recommends the following file formats:

  1. Images: .JPG, .TIF, .PDF, and .PNG
  2. Audio: .MP3,.AAC .WAV, and .AIFF
  3. Video: .MP4, .MOV, .MPG, and .AVI
  4. Code and/or alternative multimedia file formats: Identify format and describe


We  welcome reviews (1000-2500 words) and review essays (4000-6000 words) or scholarly works as well as reports on sound installations, festivals, exhibits, and other cultural events.

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